Thursday, March 12, 2009

Noah and the Bird

Consider Noah in the ark. He had been delivered from God's wrath, just as believers have been. He anticipated a new earth that was cleansed of men's sins just as believers do. However, the ride on the ark must have been long and discouraging. It was a large craft with only one window. Having cargo that included a sample pair of every large animal on the earth must have created a daily regimen of work for all the humans on board that was none too pleasant. The knowledge of escape from God's wrath and the anticipation of entrance into a new world made the daily experience no more pleasant.

One day, Noah opened the window of the ark and released a bird. Soon it returned with a leaf in its mouth. Noah must have been filled with hope, knowing that the new earth he was promised was being prepared and was soon to be a reality.

I don't know the struggles you are undergoing, but I pray that God will give you a small sample in this life of the glory that awaits you so that you may endure your sufferings in this life. God bless!

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