Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Obama Blinks

On February 18, hours before President Obama was to arrive in Montreal, Canada for a state visit, the Russians flew a fighter jet at high speed toward the Canadian border. The Canadian Air Force went out and intercepted the jet. Was this a little intimidation game going on?

On March 11, the Obama administration, which apparently feels that US policy has been too harsh on Cuba over the years, loosened travel restrictions between the US and Cuba.

On March 15, Russia announced that they planned to station bombers on bases in Cuba as well as Venezuela.

President Obama seems to believe that if we just act more nicely to the Russians they will be more nice to us. But, the Russians see him as a man who, when challenged, blinks. I predict he will be challenged by the Russians more as time goes on.

1 comment:

Brock said...

Good call, and I agree. I think this President will be challenged more than any other and, unfortunately, will be walked on more than any other - simply because not everyone follows the "Golden Rule".