Friday, February 20, 2009

If You Are The Son of God...

In the opening chapters of Luke, Luke shows that Jesus is the Son of God because He is born of a virgin. Then Luke shows that Jesus is the Son of God because He is declared by the Father to be his Son. Finally, Luke shows that Jesus is the Son of God because He demonstrates his Sonship through his obedience.

Satan comes to Jesus and three times tempts Him in the wilderness. On two of those occasions, Satan taunts, “If you are the son of God….” Jesus shows that he is God’s Son for when he is tempted to satisfy his hunger through his own power He remains dependent upon God for his daily bread. When He is tempted with “having it all” if He will only worship Satan (in place of God) He quotes the scripture and refuses. Finally, when he is tempted to act foolishly by throwing Himself from the temple, he refuses saying “You shall not tempt the Lord your God”.

Like Jesus, those who place their faith in Christ are declared to be sons of God. This is a judicial declaration (called justification) which is irreversible. However, salvation is more than being declared a son of God, salvation entails that we live in obedience to God through the power of the Holy Spirit (as Jesus was filled with the Spirit in the wilderness). It entails that we depend upon God for our daily sustenance, put Him first in our lives, and seek to obey Him in all areas of life. Of course, we will not do this perfectly as Jesus did, but we will do it increasingly as he empowers us, if we are the sons of God.

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