Monday, December 10, 2007

2009 Subaru Forester is Coming

We expect to see it in the flesh in February or March, though it will be officially introduced by Subaru on December 25. The car will be based upon the same platform as the new 2008 Impreza. That car is far more refined than the car it replaced and its sales have been strong. We look forward to this new Forester. I expect it to be a strong seller and the best small SUV in its class!

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Blind Presidential Preference Test

Here is a test that appeared on
The test has 25 questions that are answered by quotes from candidates. You choose the answer you most agree with, but you don't know whose quote it is. The test also allows you to rate the personal importance of the question. I think you'll enjoy taking it and if you are undecided as I am, you might be surprised at your preference. Let me know how you score. Here is how I scored.
McCain 21 points
Paul 8 points
Huckabee 12 points
Romney 24 points
Thompson 21 points
Guiliani 16 points

Friday, November 30, 2007

Whom the Lord Loves He Disciplines....

I’m now almost 19 months into fatherhood and it is a life-changing experience. Last night was one of those experiences which tests a father’s willingness to discipline his child and a husband and wife’s ability to work together in the process.

Our agreement as parents includes two behaviors in Jonathan’s life which are treated with zero tolerance. One is outright disobedience and the other is lying. We have not yet encountered the second, but we certainly encountered the first last night.

Pearl has taught Jonathan to pick up his toys before he goes to bed. Normally, he does this willingly. However, last night I read a book with him which he typically wanted read repeatedly. I read it several time, but then said to him, “Jonathan, this is the last time I will read tonight. After this, you must pick up your toys”.

Jonathan defiantly refused to pick them up. I had to discipline him the most severely that I ever have before he would pick them up. Afterward, he was very cold to me. After I put him in bed, he began to cry. At first, I thought I’d let him cry himself to sleep. I even thought of asking Pearl if she wanted to go up and console him. Then, I thought, “No, I administered the discipline, so I need to go up and let him know that I love him“.

I went to his room and took him in my arms. I began to sing songs that I sing with him often. At first, he cried, Then suddenly, with his head buried in my shoulder, he laughed. He laughed softly through an entire song. At the end of that song, I said “I love Jonathan”. He laughed again. I put him back in the crib and talked gently to him, told him again that I love him, and said “good night”. He went to sleep and slept through the night.

Hebrews 12:5-11 tells us that God disciplines his children. However, his discipline is not retributive; that is, God does not punish us to pay us back for the wrong we do. Rather, he disciplines us to correct us and to improve our character. When Jonathan disobeyed, we disciplined him. Afterward, when he obeyed we showed him that we love him deeply. For a father, it is easier in the moment to avoid discipline, but we should be followers of God and discipline our own children. Then, just as God renews fellowship with us after we confess our sin and repent, we have the opportunity show our unconditional love to our children.

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Jesus Compared to...

I just finished reading Erwin Lutzer's latest book, Slandering Jesus. Here's a quote from it that is worth pondering.

"During the Russian revolution of 1918, Lenin said that if Communism were implemented, there would be bread for every household. Yet he never had the nerve to say, "I am the bread of life. He who comes to me will never go hungry, and he who believes in me will never be thirsty" (John 6:35).

Hitler made astounding claims for the role of Germany on this planet, believing that he was beginning a thousand-year Reich (rule). Despite these outlandish claims, he never said, "I tell you the truth, whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life and will not be condemned; he has crossed over from death to life" (John 5:24).

Buddha taught enlightenment, yet he died seeking more light. He never said, "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life" (John 8:12).

Mohammad claimed that he and his tribes were descendants from Abraham through Ishmael, one of Abraham's sons. But he did not say, "Before Abraham was born, I am!" (John 8:58).

Freud believed that psychotherapy would heal people's emotional and spiritual pains. But he could not say, "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid" (John 14:27).

New age gurus say that we will all be reincarnated, yet not a one of them can say, "I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in me will never die" (John 11:25-26)."

Jesus is simply incomparable.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

I Can See!

I enjoy preaching. Here is one of my favorite sermons. It may be a little unusual in its form as I present it in narrative form with the main points of the sermon delivered in a brief summary at the end.

“I Can See”
Luke 24:13-35
A Narrative

How can we know today that Jesus is the Saviour in whom we should place our trust?

Setup Narration:
Cleopas and his wife (possibly) are making a 7.5 mile trip from Jerusalem to their small town of Emmaus. It is late in the afternoon of the Sunday of (unbeknownst to them) the resurrection. They are grieving deeply over the death of Jesus, both because of the horror they witnessed and the shock that he is gone.

Conversation I: Cleopas and his wife
He: What do you make of the news from the women this morning?
She: Very strange! Saying that they saw a vision of angels
He: Yes, and finding the tomb empty…. How can it be that Jesus, who performed such mighty miracles and was so kind could have met such an horrible death?
She: Perhaps we should dwell on the good things he did. Do you remember the day he fed the multitude with five loaves and two fishes?
He: Yes! There must have been ten thousand people there, at least! He kept reaching into the basket and each time there would be more bread. What a miracle!
She: And do you remember the sermon afterward?
He: Yes, “I am the bread of life that is come down from heaven”.

As they walked, and they were walking rather slowly, they realized that someone was approaching them from behind, walking more briskly. Cleopas glanced back to see how close the fellow-traveller was. He was closing quickly, but seemed harmless. The stranger drew abreast of them, then slowed his pace to match theirs.
Jesus: Hello, fellow travelers! How are you on this beautiful day!
Cleopas: We are in good health.
Jesus: Why do you look so sad? “This is the day that the Lord hath made, we will rejoice and be glad in it” the scriptures say!
Cleopas: Thank you, but honestly, we are in grief over the death of a dear friend.
Jesus: I am sorry. Who was this friend, if I might enquire.
Cleopas: Since you are coming from Jerusalem, you have probably heard about him. His death occurred on Friday last. It was a quite public event and caused quite a stir.
Jesus: Really? What happened?
Cleopas: Are you the only visitor to Jerusalem who does not know the things that have happened there in these days?
Jesus: What things?
Cleopas: Concerning Jesus of Nazareth…
…a prophet mighty in word and deed before God and all the people…
…our chief priests and rulers delivered him up to be condemned to death and crucified him…
…but we had hoped that he was the one who would redeem Israel…
…today is the third day since these things occurred…
…some of our women were at his tomb this morning. His body was gone and they said they saw a vision of angels who proclaimed that he was alive. Others went to the tomb and also found it empty, but they did not see Jesus’ body.
Jesus: O foolish ones and slow to believe all that the prophets have spoken! Was it not necessary that the Christ should suffer these things and enter into his glory?

Cleopas and his wife were shocked at the rebuke and taken aback. “What do you mean?” they inquired. The stranger responded similarly to the later sermons recorded in the book of Acts such as the sermon of Stephen who spoke of Moses who also suffered as the leader of Israel: (read Acts 7:35-39)
The Psalmist also described the suffering of the coming Messiah: read Psalm 22: 1-2, 6-8, 14-18;
At this point, the wife interrupts and asks that they begin walking so that they can arrive home before the sun sets.
Isaiah also foretells the coming suffering of Messiah: read Isaiah 53:2-10
And in many other scriptures the stranger showed them that Messiah had to suffer before he came to glory.

Cleopas: Oh, I see. I had always thought of the scriptures which tell of the coming kingdom, but I had never thought of the scriptures that speak of such suffering as applying to the Messiah. So, these events of the last week are no accident. The suffering of Jesus was God’s plan all along.
Jesus: Yes.
Cleopas: But, I still have one question.
Jesus: Yes?
Cleopas: I understand that Jesus had to suffer, but now he is dead. How can he reign as king while he is dead?
Wife: Well, here we are at home. Finally! Thank you for an interesting and enlightening conversation. It was a pleasure, but it has been a long day and I think we should go inside and take our rest now.
Jesus: Yes. Well, I shall be on my way then…
Cleopas: NO! I mean, no, you should come inside and spend some time with us. You must be weary as well. You could sit down and relax…and eat…and…we could talk some more.
Jesus: Why, thank you. That is very generous. I appreciate the offer, but I believe I will continue on…
Cleopas: NO! No! I insist. Come inside. Please.

Narration: The stranger entered in. The theological conversation was suspended while the feet of the visitor were washed followed by the hosts. Then the wife and husband began to prepare some food. After it was ready, they gathered at the table. All were seated. Then the stranger rose. He took the loaf of bread in his hand and he said “Father, I thank you for the life you have given me and these your children. Bless this food. Amen”.
The prayer took them back to that earlier day when Jesus had given thanks to the Father for the five loaves and two fishes, then he had blessed the food. They opened their eyes to look at him and, just as he had done on that day, he broke the loaf, extended his hands and handed it to them. But, this time, as he extended his hands, they reached and took the bread and the empty hands revealed fresh wounds like wounds of a nail having pierced his hands. Suddenly, their eyes were opened and they realized who he was. Before they could exclaim “Jesus!” he vanished!

All at once he walked beside me like he’d been there all along
Not a stranger, but a Father who can sense when something’s wrong
And he answered all my questions and he understood my fears
Which seemed to vanish now that he was near
I couldn’t bear for him to leave me so I begged him please to stay
Spend the evening, a few moments before he went his way
Then like a host he stood and blessed me, broke the bread and poured the wine
Then I knew there was something there I recognized
I can see who walks with me
I can hear who speaks my name
I can feel something stirring in my soul.
How his words still ring strong and true like a once familiar strain
And I know I’ll never be the same
I can see
And from that moment in time I felt the emptiness subside
And all the wonder of creation shining through
And for the first time in my life I really looked into his eyes and saw eternity and suddenly I knew
I can see!

Cleopas and wife: Jesus! He Is Alive!
Cleopas: Did not your heart burn within you while he talked with us on the way!
Wife: Yes, Yes!
Narrator: They rose that same hour and returned to Jerusalem. Their trip to Emmaus had been slow and deliberate. On their return to Jerusalem, donkeys and camels along the way were surprised to see that two-legged travel could be so brisk!
When they arrived in Jerusalem to share the news they discovered that they were not alone. Jesus had appeared to Peter and the remainder of the eleven were believing that Jesus was alive. The disciples listened to Cleopas’ story and they received the message gladly.

How Can We Know Jesus as Saviour, Today as They Did Then?
The Objective Reality
: The tomb is empty!
The Spiritual Reality: Jesus opened to them the Scriptures to reveal the Father’s message about Jesus and the Holy Spirit illuminated their minds so that could receive it.
The Relational Reality: The truth was confirmed by others who had
also seen the empty tomb, had seen Jesus, and had come to understand the scriptures

Monday, November 19, 2007

Jury Duty

From October 29 - November 1, 2007, I served on a jury at the Court of Common Pleas in Philadelphia, PA. Below is a summary of my experience and the verdict our jury reached. This information was originally posted on Baptist

A Synopsis of the Case
The jury rendered its verdicts today. Here is a synopsys of the case. Greg was a 25 year old man on September 19, 2006 living in Kensington section of Philadelphia. Across the street from his house, several doors down, he owned a second house which he was renovating. James Johnson, a drug dealer, "hung around" the block and often stashed his drugs on Greg's vacant property. Greg, who is mildly retarded, and has several learning disabilities tried to keep James away from his property, but was unsuccessful. On this particular day, Greg's two half-brothers, Derrick and Dominique, ages 16 and 14 came over with their friend Kyle. When they heard from Greg how upset he was that James was hanging around and selling drugs, they went over to confront James and tell him to get off the property. Greg's brothers, Dominique and Derrick, returned to Greg's home and stayed out on the street working on a motor scooter. About 15 minutes later, James' "boss", Derrick Wright arrived brandishing a revolver and threatening Derrick and Kyle (who were still on the street; by this point, Dominique has gone inside). A scuffle between Derrick Wright and Derrick over the gun ensued. Kyle ran in the house. In the scuffle, Wright prevailed and began to pistol whip Derrick on the forehead, striking him five times. Dominique, inside and hearing the commotion, came out of the house, grabbed a baseball bat, and struck Derrick Wright from behind in the back of the head. Derrick Wright turned to Dominique and fired at him from about five feet away stricking him in the neck (with a snake bullet which contains buckshot). Dominique turned to run away. While he was running, Derrick Wright fired at him three times and struck him in the arm and in both shoulders, breaking one shoulder bone. Then, Derrick Wright and James turned and fled the scene.In our case, the Commonwealth of PA was charging James Johnson with the following:
-conspiracy to murder Greg, Derrick, and Dominique
-conspiracy to assault with a deadly weapon Greg, Derrick, and Dominique
-assault with a deadly weapon with intent to cause bodily harm on Greg, Derrick, and Dominique
-assault with a deadly weapon on Derrick and Dominique

The Verdict
After our jury received its charge from the judge, we began our deliberations. Two issues were crucial for us and once they were decided they led to our conclusions about James Johnson’s guilt.The first issue was the matter of conspiracy. Remember that James Johnson, who was charged with the crimes, had not committed any of the alleged crimes with his own hand. Had he conspired to commit them with Derrick Wright? On the stand, all four victims had testified about a cell phone call the James placed after his argument with the brothers Greg, Dominique, and Derrick. However, there were differences in the details of the testimony about the cell phone calls that the defense lawyer used to try to raise a reasonable doubt in our minds. For instance, Kyle, Dominique, and Greg all testified that James spoke into his phone and address “D”, a nickname for Derrick Wright. However, Derrick testified that James addressed “Derrick” and he testified that he remembered this specifically because it was his own name. Worse yet, the defense revealed that, while the four had testified about the cell phone call on the stand, not one of them had mentioned this in their signed testimony to police on the evening of the day the attack occurred. This raised the possibility that the four had concocted this story later during the year since the attack occurred. Two elements helped us overcome these doubts. First, each of the boys who testified seemed mentally slow to one degree or another, not to mention the fact that three of the four were teenagers who were visibly nervous about testifying in open court while facing the accused. Derrick, for instance, made an error in his testimony that was quite blatant. He testified repeatedly that he had been pistol-whipped on his right brow. The prosecutor reviewed this with him several times and he persisted in this testimony. Later, when the photographs of his injuries were passed to us it was obvious from his swelling that he had been attacked on the left brow. Because of these factors, we agreed that, despite the discrepancies in the details of the testimony about the cell phone call, the call had almost certainly occurred. We also concluded this because the odds against the alternative were astronomically unlikely. That is, if James Johnson did not call Derrick Wright, we had to conclude that James Johnson had an argument with the four and in fifteen minutes Derrick Wright showed up mysteriously and viciously attacked these four; three of whom did not live on that block and rarely visited there. The jury was able to agree that James Johnson had entered into a conspiracy with Derrick Wright to attack the four who were interfering with his drug trade.

The second question was, what had James Johnson conspired to do? Had he conspired to have these boys murdered and had Derrick Wright attempted to murder the boys? At first, the jury was leaning toward a “guilty” verdict. However, I felt that James and Derrick were trying to intimidate the boys and get them to leave the area or at least stop interfering with James’ business, not kill them. I felt this way because when Derrick Wright pistol-whipped Derrick and had him on the ground, he did not turn the gun on him and shoot him. Also, when Derrick Wright fired on Dominique, he fired face-on from about 4-5 feet, but with a “snake shot” which scatters shot like a shot gun rather than making a concentrated hit as with a bullet. This type of shot is less likely to kill a human. Then Derrick shot Dominique three times in the back, but he did not hit his head nor the trunk of his body. Rather he hit him in one arm and in both shoulders. From the locations of these attacks and their manners I concluded that Derrick was not trying to kill anyone, he was merely seeking to intimidate. Based upon this reasoning, we found James “not guilty” of conspiracy to murder.The remaining charges were either conspiracy to commit assault or assault. We found James guilty on all of these counts